Welcome to the
ZonePro SQL
Web Options Demo Site

Public Site: Generic Access to Permit Records

This web site is for reference purposes only. You can make this site accessible to the general public without worrying about anyone changing any data. Some of the more sensitive fields (such as fee information) are hidden on this site.

Staff Site: Edit ZP Data from the Web

This web site is for employees to use as an alternative to the Windows interface. After signing in with your password this site allows you to edit data just like you can from the Windows program. This site also has numerous features that compliment the Windows program such as extensive mapping options.

Contractor Inspection Request Site

This web site allows contractors to request inspections on-line and follow the progress of their requests and the subsequent inspection results. Contractors must be given special password access to use the web site. Use ID Code "CT001003" and password "zpdemo" to explore the site.

Application Request Site

This is a rough demo of a web site that allows citizens to submit Building and Zoning permit requests on-line. The submitted applications are reveiwable in ZonePro SQL before they are added as permit records.

Faster, Better, Smarter Permits

ZonePro Customer Support Web Site